Seekers Wiki

Nukka (noo-ka) is a female polar bear.[1]


In the Return to the Wild arc[]

The Melting Sea[]

Sakari invites Nukka to learn battle moves to help fight Salik, and when she comes she suggests moving away. She liked Toklo's way of fighting once she agreed to learn, and she practice-fought with Olikpok.
Nukka kept watch with Olikpok, and they drive away one of Salik's bears. She learned fishing quickly.

The Longest Day[]

As Kallik lined up the bears nearby the water's edge for their trial, both Nukka and Tonraq were seen gazing across the water, nervous and unsure.
When Lusa takes Kallik to the side to thank her for saving her and the others' lives, she recognized Nukka near the edge of the group of other bears.
Near the end of the book, Nukka glared at both Lusa and Toklo, not recognizing them until Shila reminds her who they were.


  • She seems to have a crush on Olikpok, as she is seen with him a lot during The Melting Sea.[2]
  • Her name means 'younger sister' in Inuktitut.[3]

